GCB Bank PLC, one of Ghana’s largest and leading banks, partnered UK-Ghana Chamber of Commerce...
Category "Finance"
Bankers place ethics at heart of sector reforms, confidence-building
Ethical conduct and professionalism of key stakeholders will play a pivotal role in either advancing...
ICAG collaborates with ACCA
The collaboration between Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana (ICAG) and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants...
Improved liquidity spurs demand for T-bills
Last week, the Treasury market witnessed an upsurge in demand for Treasury bills, driven by...
North Tema Cooperative Union posts strong results for 2022
The North Tema Cooperative Credit Union Ltd. has posted strong results for 2022, despite numerous...
Mastercard advocates partnerships among fintechs, banks to expand financial services
Country Director, Mastercard-Ghana, Bossman Kwapong, has urged fintech companies and banks to collaborate and form...
Smallholder farming still ‘no-go area’ for financial institutions
Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and family and friends remain the dominant sources of...