Ecobank shareholders vote to allow investors who do not share bank’s pan African ideals

Ecobank shareholders vote to allow investors who do not share bank’s pan African ideals

downloadEcobank Transnational Incorporated’s (ETI) Article of Association (which ensures that the bank is owned and managed by persons who subscribed to the African ideals of the company) has been amended because of the global rapid expansion of the bank.

Now, investors who do not subscribe to the bank’s pan African ideals can be shareholders.

The bank maintained that  its ‘pan African’ ideals will ensure that the conduct of ECOBANK business will be guided by  principles  of unity and solidarity of all the African people everywhere as a basis for economic, social and  political  and prosperity  of the African  continent.

This happened in a special resolution tabled at its at its Extraordinary Meeting in Lome, Togo where Ecobank proposed an amendment which will ensure that the bank is owned and managed by Africans.

Shareholders however voted to it throw out because they did not think it was practical as the bank was aiming to become a global financial institute.