GLICO Pensions Trustee, a corporate trustee licensed by the National Pensions Regulatory Authority to provide and administer occupational pension schemes, provident fund schemes and group personal pension schemes in line with the National Pensions Act, 2008 (Act 766), is set to hold its 4th Pensions Stakeholders Forum on 25th of November 2015.
Committed to its vision of becoming the leading corporate trustee in the country and the brand of choice, GLICO PENSIONS organizes a stakeholders’ forum every year during the November Customer Service Month Celebrations of GLICO GROUP, to present a status report to its clients and stakeholders.
The fourth Pensions Stakeholders’ Forum is being organized to update clients on the performance of the schemes as well as emerging trends in the industry.
Commenting on the importance of the stakeholders’ forum, Dr. Francis Sapara–Grant, the Chief Executive Officer of GLICO PENSIONS, indicated that the company places high premium on its core values of transparency and integrity.
These, he described as very essential pre-requisites for engendering confidence among the membership of pension schemes who are required by law to save until they retire.
Setting itself aside from the competition, GLICO PENSIONS has since its inception, applied technology based systems in providing cutting-edge pension management services to its clientele.
Currently, GLICO PENSIONS is mandated by the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) to manage Tier 2 and 3 pension schemes, and has developed tailor-made pension products to serve its target market.
The flagship products are: GLICO Master Trust Occupational Pensions Scheme and the GLICO Master Trust Provident Fund Scheme.
Applying innovative marketing techniques to deliver excellent services to customers, GLICO PENSIONS has registered over 2,000 establishments with total staff strength in excess of 50,000.
All registered members of the GLICO Master Trust Schemes can access and view their benefit statements on-line via the GLICO PENSIONS website
Instructively, GLICO Pensions Trustee has taken the management of pension schemes in the country to a higher level of efficiency since it commenced operations in 2012.
Undoubtedly, the Stakeholders’ Forum is an innovative and unique annual event organized by GLICO PENSIONS to assure its ever-increasing membership that their pension contributions are in competent hands.
GLICO Pensions Trustee Company Limited is a subsidiary of GLICO Life Insurance Company Limited and a member of the GLICO Group of Companies with a remarkable track record of accomplishments in the provision of insurance and financial services.
Source: myjoyonline