Lagos to host 1st Angel Fair West Africa

Lagos to host 1st Angel Fair West Africa

From 30th to 31st March 2014, about 100 investors and entrepreneurs from within and outside Africa will come together to “do deals” in Lagos during the

Inaugural Angel Fair West Africa (AFWA)–‐–‐ an event organized by the Angel Africa List (AAL) in partnership with the Lagos Angel Network (LAN) and the African Venture Capital Association (AVCA).

During AFWA, selected entrepreneurs will pitch their business, giving investors the opportunity to prioritize those they wish to meet. In the afternoon, attendees will circulate to meet entrepreneurs in order to explore
investment, business development and other types of deals. There will also be
an investors’ and entrepreneurs’ panel session.

After its successful launch event in Johannesburg last year, Angel Fair is already recognized as a top five player in the Africa start up Eco‐system‐business‐hub/2014/01/5_major_players.html


Lagos, the hub for a multitude of start up businesses, was chosen to host the inaugural Angel Fair West Africa which will have representatives attending from the Lagos Angel Network, Ghana Angel Investment Network, Angel Africa List, Africa Angels Network,

Africa Venture Capital Association, existing angel groups in Senegal and networks from within and outside the continent.
The idea for an Angel Fair with a pan–‐Africa focus was created by South Africa based Art Logic in partnership with renowned angel investor and technology entrepreneur, Ghanaian Eric Osiakwan and Jamie Clyde, a corporate entrepreneur and CEO of THE IN COMPANY.