The General Agriculture Workers Union (GAWU) is forecasting that prices of foodstuff would remain high until June when the harvesting of food would begin.
This is coming after food inflation fell consecutively for the last six months to 27.1% in January 2024.
Speaking to Joy Business, General Secretary, Edward Kareweh, warned that the prices of food would not get better any time soon.
“Well, the price of food will not get better anytime soon. Looking at the country as a whole, we are entering into or are already in the lean season of production and no part of the country is experiencing harvest of foodstuff, particularly the major samples”.
“If we look at maize, it’s not being harvested anywhere in the country. Similarly, rice is also not being harvested unless those in the irrigation areas”, he added.
He continued saying most parts of the country are not experiencing rainfall. “Generally speaking, there are no rains throughout the country, and at this time also the Western parts of the country will begin preparation of their farms for the major season”.
“During this season, all the foodstuff we are eating is from last year. So don’t expect food prices to come down now”, he pointed out. Furthermore, Mr. Kareweh said “we expect that by the middle to the end of March [2024], food prices will go up and stay high like that until we begin to harvest around June/July in the Southern parts of the country”.
Ten out of 15 Sub-Class register inflation higher than overall food inflation
Seven divisions recorded inflation rates higher than the national average.
They are Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics (38.5%); Personal Care, Social Protection and Miscellaneous Goods and Services (32.0%); Restaurants and Accommodation Services (29.2%); Furnishings, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance (27.7%) Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (27.1%); Health (26.6%) and Recreation, Sports and Culture (24.9%).