Turn off fridges during World Cup matches- Dep Energy Minister

Turn off fridges during World Cup matches- Dep Energy Minister

news4Deputy Energy minister, John Jinapor has appealed to Ghanaians to conserve power during the World Cup season by turning off all cooling equipment during every 90 minute match.

“…if you can switch off your fridges for just 90minutes, during the matches, we will be making some big savings….”

According to the minister, 50% of domestic power consumption came from the use of cooling equipment and asked that energy efficiency be promoted.

“Our peak demand is about 2000megawatts and whenever it rains, it is reduced by 100 or 200 megawatts when the weather is cold. This means we tend to use more air conditioning whenever the weather is warm”

Speaking at a book launch for the Volta River Authority (VRA), Mr Jinapor said the reduction could be taken further if Ghanaians opted for energy efficiency products, switched off their cooling equipment when not in use or during world cup matches.

“This can push the reduction from 100 or 200megawatts to about 300megawatts; closing the gap of the shortfall because we are shedding about 300megawatts a day,” he added.